Hong Kong Privacy Notice


To protect the privacy of the service users, ComPsych along with its partner in Hong Kong, Four Dimensions Consulting Ltd. (collectively, “we” or “us”), strictly follow the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and will keep the personal data of the service users in strict confidence. The information will not be disclosed without the consent of the service users, except for the following situations:

  • A Court Order has been issued and demands for personal data of the service user concerned or Hong Kong law otherwise requires disclosure; or
  • The service user is found exhibiting high suicidal risk or likely doing harm to others.

If such information is disclosed, we will, as far as possible, inform the service user that we will provide or have provided the related information to the third party. If we cannot inform the service user in advance, we will inform the service user afterwards as soon as possible. However, if this procedure is perceived as increasing the possibility of injury to the service user or others, we can decide to omit it.

We will seek the service user’s written consent before making use of the content of interview for external professional intervention. Please be assured that giving consent or not will not affect the provision of service.

Personal Data Collection

Purposes of collecting personal data

The personal data you provided, including your name, contact information, questionnaire responses, and interactions with our employee assistance program offerings, will be used for the provision of suitable services, e.g. service application, assessment of the service required, individual counselling, service monitoring, staff supervision, service reporting, and referral making, etc. The provision of personal data is voluntary. Yet, failure to provide sufficient personal data may make us unable to provide appropriate services to you. Please make sure that the data you provided is accurate. If there is any change in the data, please inform us. 

When using ComPsych’s website, you acquire services directly from ComPsych, who offers them from the United States. By interacting with our website you choose to share your Personal Data to be stored or otherwise processed in servers and databases located in the United States.

When using services provided by Four Dimensions Consulting Ltd, in Hong Kong, your Personal Data will be stored or otherwise processed in servers and databases located in Hong Kong.

Transfer of personal data

The personal data you provided will be recorded and kept confidential, but may be disclosed and/or transferred to the following persons or organizations, if needed:

  • the parties or persons to whom you have agreed to disclose your personal data, say, for assessing your application for other services;
  • any government official or authority, subject to and in accordance with applicable laws; or
  • any party who needs to know your personal data where there is a high suicidal risk or risk of harm to others.

Access and correction of personal data

Except when an exemption under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance applies, you have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data held by us. You can apply for a copy of the data held by us, following the proper procedure laid down by ComPsych or Four Dimensions Consulting Ltd., as set out below and with the payment of fees.


If you have further enquiries relating to our Privacy Policy, you wish to exercise your rights or you have a problem or complaint related to use of ComPsych’s website please contact:

Attn: Privacy Official

455 N. Cityfront Plaza Dr., NBC Tower, 13th Fl.

Chicago, IL, U.S.A. 60611

[email protected]

(312) 660-1076

If you have further enquiries relating to our Privacy Policy, you wish to exercise your rights, or you have a problem or complaint related to services provided in Hong Kong contact:

Four Dimensions Consulting Ltd.

Attn: Data Privacy Officer

33 Granville Road,

Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

2731 6350

[email protected]